Surviving A Death Sentence

November 28, 2010

The first thing I noticed about young Bhavesh was his fixed gaze. He stared at me, his eyes seeing, yet not seeing. As his mother poured her heart out, Bhavesh sat hunched in her arms, barely moving. He understood what we were saying but was passing our words through the filter of denial.


Gunk In The Plumbing

November 15, 2010

It’s odd how when you walk into a room of relative strangers and you’re introduced as a homeopath, all conversational roads lead to homeopathy. It happened to me for the nth time recently, at a social gathering where a peppy young lady said, “Tell me, Doctor, why does someone under homeopathic treatment


All That's Gone Is Not Cured

November 2, 2010

My Class VIII physics teacher was a grouchy old man who was greeted with a collective sigh of despair every time he walked into class, his arms laden with books or the beginnings of a ‘class project’. Ugh!He didn’t know it then but through all those excruciating lectures, Mr Ramanathan gifted me something I use every day


Shedding Your Emotional Baggage

October 24, 2010

Harpreet Kaur was as cool as a cucumber when she walked into my clinic. She was calm and collected, she had no worries and her life was on even keel. Her only concern was her facial oedema, a swollen face that refused to subside. In fact, her left eye was so swollen, it hurt just to look at it.


Sipping From The Fountain of Youth

October 11, 2010

I recently read an interesting article written in the esteemed Economic Times, which carried an interview with Dr Aubrey de Grey, a researcher who believes he could live long enough to uncover the secret to the fountain of youth. In the interview, the good doctor says the key to reversing ageing


Remedy For A Happy Vibe!

October 11, 2010

Have you noticed that on some days, your mind is crystal clear and you feel you could take on just about any challenge? There’s a bounce in your step, your thinking is lucid and suddenly everything seems to fall in place seamlessly. It’s almost as if you were at peace with the world and everyone around you.


When The Eyes Cry, The Body Weeps

September 22, 2010

In the video below, watch ‘The Amazing Journey Of Mrs Karnik’. But before we discuss this unique case, some thoughts… I am fortunate to live on a rather leafy, green road, which is a rarity in Mumbai. But the reality


The Best of MindHeal: Exclusive Webcast Preview

September 8, 2010

It was like stepping into a pair of old, familiar boots. And I’ve been told there’s no remedy, homeopathy included, for the teaching bug! First, a big thank you to everyone for attending my Live Webcast on ‘New Horizons in Homeopathy’ on Sunday,


To All My Students... LIVE Webcast

September 2, 2010

(I had planned to conclude the two-part series I began in my last post on the disease process and healing. But it’s time for ‘breaking news’ and I simply have to share it with you! But do look forward to a special message in the second part of the series... soon!)


Of superbugs, superdrugs and a superpower

August 15, 2010

August was an inconvenient month for the medical fraternity. In the battle of superdrugs versus superbugs, those pesky little fellas had won yet another round!Even the Indian government was not amused. How dare The Lancet name a superbug that’s turned resistant to antibiotics after our capital city!


Join me on a journey of healing as I demonstrate how this magical system of medicine can transform lives, maybe yours too. By digging deep into my case files, I will show you how homeopathy relates to the human condition, delivers patients from physical and emotional pain, and helps them become the best version of themselves. Here's where it all began for me.

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